Qik Start
PICmicro Whole Course Solution
This is a Special Product being offered by Diversified Engineering to Colleges and Universities as a result of a combined effort between Microchip Technologies Inc., Dr. John Peatman of Georgia Tech and Diversified Engineering.
The Qik Start PICmicro Education Board was designed to mirror and support the chapters of Dr. Peatman's textbook thereby allowing the students to exercise labs on each of the principles presented.
The students write the software and then test it out in their lab's using the Education Board. Course structure and labs are left to the individual Professor to meet their specific Course objectives.
Typically a two semester course earns 6 credits and covers all the topics. Free sample labs and outline is available to help is structuring course.
The 905177 Qik Start PICmicro Whole Course Solution included the 905173 Education Board II which is no longer available. The 905172 Education Plus CAN Board has replaced the Education Board II.
If you are interested in the updated Qik Start PICmicro Whole Course Solution
Please order:
(1) 905178 Design with PIC Microcontrollers by Dr. John Peatman
(1) 905172 Qik Start PICmicro Education Plus CAN Board
Click Here for Ed Board Plus CAN support files
Click Here for Ed Board II support files
Click here to see sample Lab Projects and Outlines
Please contact the Sales Dept. directly at Diversified Engineering for more information, pricing and availability.